Thursday, October 14, 2010


So we are sitting at story time in the library when the librarian asks what each child is going to be for Halloween. One darling girl says that she is going to be a witch.

My son promptly blurts out, "All girls are witches!" in his raspy voice.

Daggers and glares shoot across the room in my direction from all the ladies in the room, a few giggles, but mostly glares.

I am sitting there dumbfounded. Why would my son say that? Where would he hear a phrase like that? Something I have never uttered. Maybe dad is the culprit, or is it school?

Innocently after story time I ask, "What did you mean when you said, 'all girls are witches' bud?"

He says, "you know, boys can't be witches, only girls."


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