Yesterday I called our reproductive medicine clinic just to get an idea of what we would would need to expect for our next IVF/FET cycle. It is a hard decision. I do want more children, yet there are so many factors to consider. It is so much stress to go through another IVF/FET cycle. Am I ready? That is what I am trying to decide.
Some of the problems that keep rolling around in my head are the following:
Timing- My hubby is finishing grad school in May, and I want to be settled before I have another baby. (Both of my boys' births were surrounding moves, not recommended, but doable.) I am also looking at age, mid thirties can bring more challenges in the IVF pregnancy/parenting world. I am looking at calendars and datebooks, trying to decide when I will have 7 weeks to focus on pills, shots, doctor appointments, bed rest, and waiting, and have come to the conclusion that maybe no time will be perfect. I may just have to go out on a limb and do the whole process anyway for the hopes of a tiny bundle of joy to join our house.
Guilt- Sometimes I feel guilty wanting another baby. I have two wonderful boys, when so many are not blessed with even one. Plus the guilt of having frozen I let my possibilities of other children remain frozen?
Money- Do we really have the money to do this process right now? We will have plenty of student loans to pay, and we hope to be able to have a home again (we sold our home to be able to come to school.)
All the other ideas that float around your head when you consider expanding the family- Believe me, if there was a problem to consider about having another child, I have thought it.
Plus all the challenges that pregnancy can impose, I know a few, both pregnancies were not without their challenges. We are not ready quite yet, but hopefully we can get the process going in the next six months.