Thursday, September 30, 2010


Ok, so I will preface that I was totally sicked out today. If you don't want to read on I don't blame you, I gagged and barely kept my dinner down.

We went to the grocery store tonight to pick up a few things. When we got to our car we couldn't quite slow down our child fast enough as he ran right through some chaw, actually it was a small pond of chaw.

Now we are somewhat accustomed to seeing wads of chew in the parking lots around here. (The use of tobacco is unusually high in the area). It is not foreign to us to see a small amount of chewing tobacco spit on the parking lot. What we were fully unprepared to see was large chunks of chaw swirling in a vortex of watery substance not out of the way, but right in front of our van sliding door. Either the person who so distastefully deposited it there was sick and threw up, or was the most inconsiderate fool I have not have the pleasure to meet.

Our son had no clue to the disgusting, vile, pond and stepped right in it unaware of our adamant warnings. We sat him down on the van and took off his shoes and kept them as far away from the carpet as possible after wiping them off with a paper towel. Of course I was gagging and choking right there, and the lady in the car in front of us was giving us a strange look.

Maybe it was she that left the unpleasant surprise in our midst. I guess we will never know.